Arts Integration

"Arts Integration is an approach to teaching in which students
construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form.
Students engage in a creative process which connects an
art form and another subject area and meets evolving objectives in both."
-TRUSD thanks the Kennedy Center and CETA for this definition
construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form.
Students engage in a creative process which connects an
art form and another subject area and meets evolving objectives in both."
-TRUSD thanks the Kennedy Center and CETA for this definition
Twin Rivers Unified School District’s VAPA Department supports the Kennedy Center’s definition for integrating the arts in education. Through integrating the arts across all subject areas, students achieve higher academic success, reach long-term career goals, and function as literate, productive members of society. It is proven that arts integrated education helps students achieve academic success breaking all socio-economic, language, and cultural barriers that may challenge children in their daily lives. Students who participate in the arts are more likely to stay in school and less likely to report being bored. Studies show that when students integrate core subject areas with the arts they achieve higher proficiency rates and score higher on standardized tests.